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Lottery Game via Internet

Mid 2001 the Netherlands Gaming Control Board asked NIPO (, the Dutch market research institute, which is a member of the worldwide organisation of Taylor Nelson Sofres, to conduct a research on gambling via internet. On November 22, 2001, the report 'Gambling on the Internet' was published.

4.2.1 The key information:

  • In 2001 the Dutch spent 42 million NLG on illegal internet casinos, VLT's and scratchcards;
  • Ordering tickets via internet or participating in a Dutch legal lottery counts up to 45 million NLG;
  • 19.157 persons from 18 years and older and having internet were interviewed;
  • 392 (2%) persons indicated that they participated in the last 6 months in one or more internet games of chance;
  • A player plays an average of 30 times per year, spending 600 NLG per year;
  • A playing session takes an average 21 minutes, especially in the weekends evenings;
  • Payments are mainly executed with credit cards;
  • Calculated to the national level: 69.000 players participated 4 million times on internet;
  • 50% of the participants played casinos and one-third scratchcards.

4.3 Taking part in foreign Games of chance

On November 20th, 2000, NIPO published another report 'Taking part in foreign Games of chance in the Netherlands' commissioned by the Netherlands Gaming Control Board.

4.3.1 The key information:

  • Spending on foreign lotteries in the Netherlands is 150 million NLG per year;
  • This correspondents to 6% of the turnover of the Dutch operators, which is 2.6 billion NLG;
  • 80% was spend on German Lotteries (Lotto, Süddeutsche Klassenlotterie and Nord- Westdeutsche Klassenlotterie), English National Lottery is just 4 %;
  • For the research 6.600 persons older than 18 years and up were interviewed;
  • 4.3% of the questioned persons played in one of more foreign lotteries in the last 12 months. In 1998 this was 2,9%;
  • In 2000 354.000 players participated
  • 404.000 times in foreign Games of chance this is an increase compared with 1998.
  • The average spending per player in 2000 dropped to 417 NLG, which was in 1998 529 NLG.

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